Thursday, October 10, 2013

Milk Toast!

Here's my toast to Harvey Milk! As Gayapolis reported today: "The U.S Postal Service confirms that they will be issuing a commemorative... [p]ostage stamp in honor of Harvey Milk in 2014."

Hallelujah, everybody!  Milk man's on his way!

As The Advocate put it:

More than three decades after his assassination, gay San Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk is still making history. [The USPS reported] the stamp will include one of Milk's signature phrases: "Hope will never be silent."

Milk is the first openly LGBT elected official to be featured on U.S. postage, reports the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund's Gay Politics blog.

"Harvey Milk's legacy is alive and well," Victory Fund president Chuck Wolfe said on the blog. "His historic run paved the way for a new generation of LGBT leaders who can be open and honest about who they are, and it's encouraging to see the U.S. Postal Service honoring his legacy of perseverance and pride today."

Harvey Milk, "The Mayor of Castro Street," was a national icon and LGBT martyr. He was assassinated by Dan White who, ironically, went postal.

Next year, I intend to actually write letters to people that go in the US mail because of this. Support the USPS, support Harvey Milk's memory! Support love, equality and human rights!

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