Saturday, September 5, 2015

Buddy Beaverhausen Salutes Labor Day

Unofficially, Labor Day marks the end of summer and the start of fall in the United States. Autumn equinox is not until September 23rd this year. But, after all the barbeques and beach parties are done this weekend, there will be a certain sense in our psyches that, for all intents and purposes, summer has left us.

Like International Workers Day (May Day) in Europe, Labor Day is a celebration of working people and their achievements. It will be celebrated by parades and get-togethers, getaways and hideaways as most people have a three-day weekend. Labor Day, in the USA, is always on the first Monday of September.

When I was a boy, Labor Day meant a return to school on the next day, so there are some bittersweet memories for you. This year, I will probably celebrate by ordering Chinese delivery -- another great American tradition.

It will be interesting how Tea Party Republicans treat and speak about this all-American holiday this year as their position is distinctly anti-Labor and anti-working people. I look forward to Donald Trump stumble into talking about it. The US Labor movement brought us Labor Day just as they brought us weekends, unions and working people's rights.

For me, Labor Day is the start of the Social Season with a line-up of cabaret shows, theater events, concerts and recordings. Clothing stores will have out their new seasonal lines. I couldn't be retired and collecting Social Security or having my pension money if it weren't for the Labor movement, and for that I'm especially grateful this holiday weekend.

A parade will march down my avenue in Brooklyn on Monday. Parades will happen nationwide. There will be a large one in Manhattan, which hosted the very first Labor Day parade ever.

So, as you throw another shrimp on the barbie or pop open another cold one, celebrate with family and friends, or just relax, remember this one's for you. Take some time to reflect on the meaning of this holiday that honors this country's working people. Enjoy your holiday, everybody!

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