Sunday, August 31, 2014

Remembering Diana: Queen of Hearts

Today is the anniversary of the day Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales and one of the most beloved figures worldwide, died.

I remember her death occurred on Labor Day Weekend in the States. At the time, I was working the overnight weekend shift at the office. The hours were 9 pm to 9 am on Saturdays and Sundays, Mondays 12 - 6 am, and Tuesdays through Fridays I had off. We all got the news about the crash and, later, about her death, at the office via radio. We were all devastated and there was a lot of weeping, as she was such an adored icon at the time. Diana was tragically young, only 36 years of age

When I left the office in the morning, I decided to walk home from midtown Eastside to the West Village. I forgot that the British consulate was just two blocks down and I passed by, stopping for a moment to watch the vigil outside; people grieving and leaving flowers and lit candles in front of the building. It was very moving.

Diana often scandalized the royals with her free-spiritedness but that's one of the things we loved about her. She significantly supported an International Ban on Landmines (winning her a 1997 Nobel Peace Prize) and, after her divorce from Prince Charles, the National AIDS Trust and many other causes and charities.

She was a beautiful spirit with a beautiful face and she is still missed and loved universally.

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