Saturday, January 3, 2015

Cine Beaverhausen: The Interview

Infotainment and celebrity interviews are so me, so why is The Interview so not me?  The movie lost me from the opening.

While Seth Rogan does his usual schtick (which is to say solid but unexceptional and not particularly funny), I have never seen James Franco perform so broadly in a desperate bid, apparently, to be the next Jerry Lewis.

Did even a smile come to my face during the film's nearly two-hour running time? Why, I don't recall that one ever did, to be honest!

Shot mostly in Canada, most of the action of The Interview takes place in North Korea. The storyline has infotainment host Dave Skylark (Franco) whisked off to do a Q&A with dictator and fan, Kim Jong-un. Dare I even type that name on the Internet? Will I be threatened? Bombed? Nuked?! Hard to imagine this film's Christmas release never happened because of bomb threats. In fact, my reason for watching this film on promotional video was to see what would happen. Kind of like calling out "Candyman, Candyman, Candyman!"

Well, wouldn't you know, the plot thickens as the CIA recruits Franco and Rogan to assassinate Jong-un. Isn't that kooky, considering how inept these two characters are? Complications ensue, but, unfortunately, not merriment.

The Interview is every bit as labored and sophomoric as one might imagine, and just as unfunny, too, coming from the director of Neighbors. While the bomb threat was publicity money can't buy (freedom for our right to watch stupid movies is something I staunchly defend), after watching The Interview, I'm telling you the bomb is the film itself. Kaboom!

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