Monday, May 11, 2015

Budd and Buddy: My Exclusive Q&A with Julie Budd, part 3

Julie Budd is a real New Yorker, there was no denying that when I heard her speak with me during this Q&A. An astoundingly gifted performer, she has done recordings, live shows, tv and film. After 40 years in show business (starting out at the ripe old age of 12), she is still a much sought-after, popular and in-demand entertainer. She has a new album, They Wrote the Songs. And she has a residency coming up at The Metropolitan Room, NYC starting May 14th. Press inquiries, please contact Richard Skipper Celebrates at 845-365-0720 or at 
At this point, I understand, the show is sold out. Personally, I found Julie Budd to be down-to-Earth, considerate and just a complete delight. Enjoy!

Buddy Beaverhausen: When you're not performing and you want to relax, what do you do?
Julie Budd: Oh, gosh! I like to do a lot of little things. I like to get in touch with my sisters, spend time with my family. And I usually tell people I'm out of town, so that I can stay home and the phone doesn't ring.
BB [Laughs] Sounds like something I'd do!
JB [Laughing] Have you done that? You know, "I'm on the road, I'm in Tahiti, whatever." You know, people think performers are always on the go, always on and I just like to stay quiet and relax. I like to go to museums or shop with my sisters or go to the gym. I keep it very private and quiet. But it doesn't usually last that long. Because, say you have a month off. After the first two weeks you have to start preparing and rehearsing for what you're going to do once you come back.
BB Well, as someone who just retired from his day job, I understand because I am busier doing the things I want to do now.
JB Do you love that?
BB Yes! Because I have that time to devote now to what I like to do. If I were working, it would be very unlikely I could talk with you at 12:30 in the afternoon.
JB Beautiful.

BB Could you complete this statement? If there's one thing people don't know about me and I wish they did, its [blank].
JB That's a tough question because I don't concern myself terribly with what people think or know about me. I mean, you never know what people are thinking and if you concern yourself with that, you really aren't it the moment, are you!

BB People think that if you are a performer or if you are on the show business scene, you are an extrovert. I know I'm an introvert and I suspect, from your answers, you may be too. True?
JB Yes, I'm not one of these people who has to be noticed or anything like that. I don't have to constantly be on. And I think there's something about having a vivacious personality opposed to "being on" which is a persona. If there's a party and people are at the piano, I'm usually at the back of the room. And when I finish a show, I go back to my room and straight to bed.
BB I always say my favorite activity is sleeping.
JB [Laughs] But you know, it relaxes the vocal cords.


  1. Dear Julie-If only I were 40-years younger......I'd be 28 (lol)! Once again Buddy B., a great Interview!

  2. Great!The show on Thursday night IS Sold OUT! Reserve today for September 10thm Julie's next NYC appearance...exclusively at The Metropolitan Room.
    Richard Skipper
