Monday, January 23, 2012

Beaverhausen Leaves It to Joan

A little something to brighten up your Monday morning. Joan Crawford, pictured at left with co-star, Trog, shares a Pepsi and a smile. However, Miss Crawford is not always so benign for she does not suffer fools gladly. And when she comes across one (like Rick Santorum), she is likely to bitch slap him good and hard.


  1. Hey, Beaver Buddy, this was hilarious! Jeez, is that Santorum an idiot! He actually believes there are "people who were gay and who aren't anymore," believing the ex-gay myth. I wonder if he was one of those people who was formerly gay? What an ass! Joan would have slapped the shit out of him, LOL!

  2. "I wonder if he was one of those people who was formerly gay?" I think there's a lot of people who think he doth protest too much on the subject. I'm glad you found it funny; I sure did!
